We have various options here that you can explore initially, allowing and helping you to do the right research. Ask the Dating Experts enables you to find out more, before making the decision about whether or not the dating industry is something you want to become part of. You may feel more positive about taking further steps,once we have answered your questions, in which case we can also help you further through our Consultancy Service. Please email us directly for details.
The Dating Industry is booming, why not become a part of it?
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If you would like more in depth details and advice on how to move to the next stage of setting up your dating business, we can also offer you a one day seminar (this can be extended if you wish), covering as much as possible within the time scale selected, either face to face or on Zoom.
This service will allow you to access vital and important information, relating to setting up your own traditional dating agency, or alternatively becoming a standalone matchmaker. Please enquire for further details and costs involved. If you live in the EU, we can offer you this service on Zoom, unless of course you wish to meet us in the UK.
The Dating Agency Association is the very first association to offer you such a service.
The people behind the DAA have had forty years experience working within the dating agency industry, so they are well placed to offer you the such services.
Already a matchmaker or running your own dating agency? - talk to us about joining the association